When you get a rock-hard erection from a very cold temperature, usually around 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Very similar to morning wood.
“Dude, I can’t fuckin’ walk like this. I have cold stone right now.”
Crack rock derived from the DNA of Keith Richards, as his whole body IS drugs at this point
"What you looking to get?"
"Got some Keith Stones?"
an underrated movie/book where a child (Willy)'s grandfather almost dies and then Willy goes against an adult (Stone Fox) whos probably 26 years older than him and then Willy's dog fucking dies at the end while Stone fox threatens to shoot anyone who tries to win the race except Willy
me: i just cried when willy's dog died during the Movie Stone Fox
my friend: me too like wtf movie
The mentality of never giving up even though you know you are going to lose over, and over, and over again.
"Look at PrinceZam, hes rushing his enemies even though he knows hes going to lose, that is a pure example of Stone Sword Mentality.
When you're erect penis is lodged in someone's anal cavity and they clench their buttocks making it difficult to pull out, typically male on male.
Me and my homeboy dakota were practicing the sword in the stone last night
The Sword in The Stone is when a woman is either lying on her back or is kneeling and a Man (or woman with any form of penis) bends down and deep throat piston fuck them until they orgasm.
Bro 1: Dude did you here, Jaxon and your mom re-enacted "The Sword in The stone".
Bro 2 (Slightly embarrassed and self-conscious): Come on bro, stop talking about my mom you know that's just mean.
Bro 1: You're right bro I'm sorry.
Bro 2: It's all right, now come over here and give papa some of that Portuguese breakfast.
Bro 1: UwU ok *rawr*
Stone Wall on Steroids is the act of being in the way of ever new idea someone else proposes.
It is one thing to be against President Trump because my friend Jerry is a sore loser, it is quite another thing for Jerry to be a Stone Wall on Steroids on everything Trump does. He has lost all prospective on fair play.