When you are bored enough to look this up on the internet or the Urban Dictionary.
"My gosh! I looked up Urban Dictionaryism and its a thing!" said Millie
When a user posts his definition 50 times in hopes that one will get verified.
Urban spam makes voting very tedious.
When looking for an explanation to a word in the Urban dictionary and it has a completely different meaning than what you expect
I typed in a word *Eruption*, oh i did not expect definition like this. I'd call this urban irrelevancy
Shortened term for Urban dictionary
I got my word published in the Urban Dick.
The people that turn down your definition over and over again
Omg I keep getting urban dick
Term used by some homeless and folks who have neighbors who come from countries where eating dog is acceptable.
Mr. Santos is raising Urban beef for the summer BBQ.
Quiet that Urban Beef down before Mr. Kwon turns him into Urban beef stew.
I'm taking my Urban Beef for a walk.
Kinds of remedy that solve sicknesses caused by living in the city.
After long hours of office working, I need an urban elixir.