A minification of terms popular on internet and bulletin board systems (BBS) throughout the 80s and 90s denoting that the sysop hosted hack/phreak/anarchy/virus content on their server.
"Rusty n Eddies was one of the most popular h/p/a/v sites in the world until the Wire Fraud Act of 1996 was passed and the following Hacker Crackdown resulted in its closure."
The act of masturbating on one’s knees while fantasizing about other men winning in fantasy football.
Richie’s European girlfriend walked in on him while he was in full Dick Von V mode.
something my friend uses ALOT which has grown on us too.
oh and shes lesbian.
my friend: ur uncle :v
Very rare to come across, you had a 8% chance of finding this and you did. Congratulations! You will have one childhood wish come true in 5 years. What the wish is, you shall not know.
i'm lucky I "typedxnwjndebwyvheuqwjcoknivhexw v feudkqcjneivnwoc"!
When someone loses their virginity on their birthday
Billy: What'd you get your girlfriend for her birthday?
Tim: I gave her a v-card giftcard
Today is the day to celebrate Indonesia's national ":v" day. ":v" is an emoji frequently used by those so called "memer." But now the majority of people hates that stupid emoji.
Tricia: "Hello :v"
Steve: "Hi :v, do you know that today is Indonesia's national ":v" day? :v"
Tricia: "I didn't know earlier :v"
When youre single for so long that your revirganized out of principle.
Michael hasnt had the touch of a woman in so long that he is officially revirginized and his re v-card can be taken once again.