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Typically a female name but it’s actually unisex

You can still name a boy Ashley of you want to

by Lixie_ April 30, 2023


She's in love with kade and she doesn't know how to brush her hair correctly and she has lice and ashy ankles and dirty crocs and a big ass forehead.

Girl - hey you seen Ashley?
Girl 2 - yea she's dirty

by Cbluswifee March 24, 2023


idk dude , just saw it in my tagged pics and thoughts it was a dope photo. i’ll make sure my next one is up to your standards tho! lol

ashley, good quality did someone take this with there android?

by Lovetoloveyou3 March 27, 2018


Ashley is a naturalist. Ashley doesn't bathe or shower. Ashley is a pretty girl but she always has a tuft of knotted hair on the back of her head.

That girl has one big dreadlock and takes air baths. I think she's an Ashley

by andrea101072 January 14, 2019


Ashley is a wonderful girl that will always be your friend. She has the rare gift of creativity, humor, beauty, and kindness. If you come across an Ashley be sure not to let her go because she will become one of your closest friends. If you want to be even more close with her, set her up with your brother so that you can become sisters-in-law (just kidding! ;). Ashley is good at everything she takes up, including flute, art and many more. She is the bestest person in the world! She is so outgoing, beautiful and funny that she is perfect for any guy! So when you see an Ashley, you know she is the one for you.

Ashley is such a beautiful girl, I wish we would date.

by Jeffawsedrftgyhujikol May 12, 2021


Ashely is a girl with long hair and she plays football to de-stress. She likes bantering with Valerie and does not cook. Ashely is a good friend who is mean TO EEJay But i swear she is a good person.

girl 1: hey ashley!
ashley: what????

by deejayeejay October 3, 2019


If it’s a boy Ashley , they are normally very genuine , down to earth , normally get made fun of because they are normally the loyal one out of the group , very passionate and it’s quiet common they have beautiful eyes , rumour has it they are great in the bedroom department too

Ashley is a legend

by Hdhzhgsd November 22, 2021