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Clam chop

When one slaps/kicks/punches/karate chops a woman in the pussy/vagina

Billy Ray clam chopped Sally Mae's vagina after he found out she was cheating

by Acrae Mliyah October 17, 2017

Clam chops

Clam = vagina, Chops = face
Clam chops = vagina face

Friendly insult toward your esteemed chaps

Sheila: Thanks for the top root ey cunt.
Bloke: Yeah you too clam chops.

See that ugly bird over there?

Who? you mean clam chops?

by nigeLpredator February 7, 2017

Barnsley Chop

Lock’s ultimate finisher move. Has the ability to knock out friend or foe, bowl over a 29stone man and destroy a cash point.

He was on the wrong end of a Barnsley chop. He didn’t get up for 5 minutes.

by Hellohew September 8, 2021

Barnsley Chop

Northern English slang for a large penis.

Nich will sort you out with his Barnsley Chop

by Barnsley Chop Lover May 4, 2018

Chop Daddy

Slang term used to describe an incompetent or pointless person who spends all their time chopping and creating an underlying feeling of resentment: often used to express a collective sense of dislike

Tony: What is Chop Daddy doing?
John: He's gone to lunch with some intern, he's trying to put them away
Tony: What a complete chopper

by sj703 May 18, 2011

chopped in June

A person who is chopped and also a part of the LGBTQ+ community

Did you know Oliver is chopped in June.

by Chopped In June January 18, 2025

chopped in June

Chopped in June refers to someone who is chopped and part of the LGBTQ+ community

Did you know Oliver is chopped in June?

by Chopped In June January 18, 2025