Kris Jenner dancing in a green suit to Lady Marmalade
Get Krissed! Live laugh love!
Created by Willem Powerfish this phrased is used when casting whole chooks. Its also used at the brothel, the male brothel mate.
just burleighing it up for ya mate. get the dogs! What do you mean you've already been fishing here, ive been fishing here for 50 years.
Getting drunk or high or probably both
Me and the boys went out last night and ended up getting burst
Term used in DC. To vanish very quickly In a dramatic situation; to leave very fast and unannounced.
I had to get alias after they started shooting.
Get noodled is something u say after you trick someone into doing what you want, like after they made you a cup of tea because u got them to.
Jesus: yo god man, i need a pack of cigarettes. Can you go steal some from Co Op for me.
God: yes brother jesus.
Jesus: get noodled u small man.
Derived from the correct phrase Get No Scoped. Get noskoped is when an older audience uses it to insult a younger player. Or when a younger player does something good he will say Get Noskoped! As a taunt to the other team. Or when I 1st person player has a sniper and shoots without aiming or (ADS)
You/Anyone: Get noskoped!
Player: Watch this kill cam
Player: Okay?
Player: See that Acrose the Map Noscope!
Kid:Get noskoped mate
Player:Oh shut the fuck up
A term used by someone who has the upper hand in a situation that he or she has imposed on another person or group.
Something that is less than ideal, and often not merely temporary.
You better get to liking it you bastard, because I have a lot more where that came from!
Don't like the way I drive? Get to liking it or walk, bitch.