the great brick wall of china is a person you know named Eric.
The March of a long line of geese across a busy road, holding up traffic and ruining everyone's day because geese are selfish bastards who only want vengeance.
Sorry I'm late, The Great Goose March was taking place on the highway!
Second cousin's great-grandson.
My second great-great-cousin-nephew is a good person.
The best nyc producer usually cooking beats up for Sheff g
“Great John on the beat by the way”
“hey, old sport!” -jay gatsby, every page in the great gatsby
1: A classic piece of literature by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
2: A literary torture device made for tenth grade students
1: Andy: “I really like ‘The Great Gatsby!’ It’s one of my favorite books!”
2: Jake: Did you read the chapters for “The Great Gatsby” last night?
Enno: Yeah, why?
Jake: Could I have answers to the questions? Reading that book is torture…