A parody if Burger King used on MADtv.
Have you heard that Bon Qui Qui got a job at King Burger?
This is a Royal individual who is loyal and solid. He is praised and loved by many and still hated by some. This person is known to be a supporter and care giver to all he comes in contact with. He is usually great at all that he does and is held to a very high standard. Not only is this person Royal but he also lives a Royal life style. He is also known by Your Royal highness and or God. When attracted to this person you must know he is spoiled and sometimes can be a big baby. He is known to love hard and to be very aggressive. This individual is known to have a lot of snakes and users around him that is using him for self gain.
King Tay is a great person
Similar to sofa king, but with a negative connotation.
He had nofa king idea what was going to happen next.
A person that will take any means to get out of absolutely any activity* over an extended period of time usually 6+ months
* ~ only when it suits the person of course
Ling King over here hasn't done a BFA in the decade
A massive skateboarding chad. Visit him at kingkoza.com
Bro have you seen King Koza's website? That dude is a massive chad and is a great artist at only 15!
Sid the sloth, after the events surrounding ice age 2/3 he henceforth became known as the 'fire king'
Fire king may also be used as a derogatory term in order to insult someone looking like a sloth
Look at Chris over there, munching eucalyptus like the fire king...
Also known as a sheet surgeon. a Duvet King is The exact Opposite of a pillow prince, a Duvet King will do anything but lay down often know to engage in endless rounds of mind blowing intercourse without a breather or even a water break!
Wow I met up with that duvet king yesterday and he relentlessly took me to a blissful orgasm multiple times I can’t even look at a pillow prince again