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Ma’ G

themes of identity, origins, and gratitude

I broke a world record, Ma’ G!

Like Leonel Messi in Barcelona, Ma’ G!

by THE OCE March 6, 2021

Ma Bols Ich

you say this when yo bols ich

man ma bols ich i wish someone would ich them

by Random Lobotomized John Fella February 10, 2024

pan ma back windeez in

Scottish slang for Smash my back doors in, rough anal sex

Ah Canny believe ah let josh pan ma back windeez in

by KingKongsLeftNipple October 4, 2017

Ma che cazzo

It’s mean WHAT THE FUCK in italiano even if cazzo means dick

Timmy: Hey Mario what are you doing?
Mario: mangiando (eating)
Timmy: I fucked your mom

by The comically random gamer June 4, 2023

ma boi

he be fucked

dammn nigga ma boi b d & lambron

by lmfaoYourNigga August 4, 2022

dans ma trousse

The useless phrase you learn in Year 7 which you'll never use in real life unless you're begging to get gangbanged by a few roadmen...

French Teacher: "LISTEN UP YEAR 7! So... how do we say 'in my pencil case'?"
Class: "Dans ma trousse!!"
Me: "Just let the ground swallow me up right now."

by glebus June 17, 2024

ma andza

The coolest mf you'd want to be around, beautiful music taste, handsome and pretty and definitely is written by a woman

Ma andza is Soo handsome

by Mr plug your hun November 22, 2021