Source Code

bum scum

Bum Scum derives from the Latin word of Bumus Scumus meaning Bum Scum. This may imply that you have not cleaned your rear end after pooping, or may also mean that you are one of the most fucked up people that I have ever fucking met.

I hope that guy falls of the stairs dies, he is such a bum scum

by someone April 6, 2005

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bum fun

A term describing anal sex with gay men.

Well, if being a rent boy is gonna get you bum fun, Daffyd, then I'm all for it.

by Wankshaft December 4, 2005

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bum fun

Bum=homeless person - Fun=fun

1 Bum Fun is when you go out and torment the homeless for your own amusement

2bum fun is intended for people to see how good there life really is by making fun of the homeless.

I went out and had some bum fun today.

it made me realize that my life is much better than i thought.

by F bibles November 1, 2009

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Bum Bitch

Someone who can’t afford their house or cars. Had mommy & daddy take over their car so they don’t get bad credit & just straight loses their car because they like cocaine more. Drama causin, ugly nose havin, crackhead bitches.

Damn, makael & J.j. are some bum bitches.

by Yo momma’s a hoe July 27, 2018

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bum knuckle

The lower part of the spine, the coccyx.

I slipped on the ice and landed on my bum knuckle.

by farther jack June 11, 2010

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bum platter

Placing your bum on someones face.

Often a harmless prank among friends; usually done when the victim is laying down and unknowing. One pulls down his/her pants revealing the bare bum. The individual proceeds to place his/her bum directly on the victim's face.

"Hey, Johnny's sleeping on the couch, I'm gonna give him a bum platter."

by Ren October 25, 2004

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street bums

usually a homeless person cronically addicted to alcohol and or street drugs with possible mental health issues and no care about appearance or personal hygene and having little to no respect for themselves.

look at that bum urinating in the doorway.
street bums sitting on street corners holding signs begging for money to support there drug habbit.

by phoenixman October 16, 2010

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