The only acceptable way to play soccer.
It's simple, you pass move, and then you score, no PlayStation, X-Box, just simple, pass move.
A whore pass is a pass for a celebrity or public figure that you would fuck and your partner can’t get mad. You’re allowed a couple each.
“Ok babe who’s your whore pass? Mine is Drake or Michael B Jordan”
When an inmate needs to get a haircut.
Say boss let a nigga get a clipper pass
A puss pass is a pussy pass, it's a pass for being a pussy.
"You better come out to the show tonight, I know you are outa puss passes!"
"That guy has a puss pass for everything, he should live a little!"
A nonphysical certificate made by young people that allows older people to act hip and cool whenever they want without fear of being called "boomer" or "cringe."
Xavier: "Dan Povenmire is so wholesome. He deserves a boomer pass."
Maxwell: "That's wassup."
An imaginary pass you ask a female granting you the power to grab their ass
Ey girl can I get a grab pass for that ass?
While drunk, making the responsible decision to end the night on your own terms; because you know if you don't the rest of your night will only get worse.
Kat- "Hey Tony what happened last night? You missed the after party."
Tony- "Sorry, I had to pull a tactical pass out before shit got real ugly."