A phrase used to describe a girl who is not Jewish.
Ideally used in a favorable context, goy is used by Jews to describe someone who is not Jewish
"Crazy night, did you and Karla have fun?"
"Yeah, I took her to the synagogue for the first time. I just want her to be my Goy Princess already."
Very particular about where you sleep
I am a princess and the pea, I can't sleep on this hard mattress.
An idiot who thinks himself to be something superior. Almost blind. Lives at his throne which is in the gutter. Very naive and acts like an obujbalika. Very obnoxious. cannot sing at all. thinks that he has abs but does not. Very stupid and likes to fall in trouble all the time. Has a different type of diet than other human beings. lives on demerits rather than food. Has amnesia and shows sign of it. Very weird...
You are such an organic princess andha modoni obujbalika...just like joytu, you fucking bitch!!!
to drain you/exhaust oneself
whilst wearing pink and thinking about tea parties
dood im tired i've had a total princess weakness of a day
A combination of entitled, difficult and inconsiderate. Someone with the delusional belief that they’re a princess whilst often living on a low wage. They expect everything to be perfect for them despite how much inconvenience it causes to those around them. This type of behaviour is often caused by overprotective parents during childhood.
That person has Princess Delusion!
The girl that when by herself has no backbone, but gets 1 or more friends beside her and now has the backbone of a tree trunk and talks shit about others.
You're such a princess pussy willow when you are by yourself.