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blow pop

the act of getting a blow job while eating a pop sickle.

The man thought the blow pop he received from his wife the other day was both delicious and satisfying.

by raamazing June 26, 2009

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Blow it up

1. A term often used by preppy teen girls who think they are "different" when they say it.

2. A stupid phrase that never should have been invented.

3. A myspace term to describe an inflow of texts.

1. Ashley on myspace, "GETTiNG OfF HURR&; BlOW iT UP?"

Me, "Blow it up?"

2. Girl in airport, "Oh I'll here from him in a minute. My phone is about to blow up."

by iKillzombies August 26, 2009

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Blow Job

It can be a wordplay or pun that relates to the jihadists.
Blow = explode
To blow up = to bomb something

Esha: I got a new job that will grant me 72 virgins with blue eyes and blonde hair in paradise. Guess what the job is called.
Mikhail: Blow job, it's blow job! It's the kaboom job!
Yurik: Mind blown! 🀯

Mikhail: What is the job of the jihadists called?
Esha: It's blow job! It's the kaboom job!
Yurik: You two must be having such job too. You two keep blowing my mind!

Zayn: Now I'm in paradise with uncle Osama and my 72 virgins. Wanna get your 72 virgins too? Join the blow job gang now! Apply now!
Yurik: Yes! I need my 72 waifus! Time to have a blow job!

by Beethovena May 5, 2020

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hammer blow

verb: to strike a person in the face with the penis
She got smart with me and i cock slapped the bitch!

She got smart with me and I hammer blown the bitch!

by unklesatan March 19, 2017

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Blow Hole.

Blow Hole: yes, a blow hole is a hole mostly found in sea mammals. No, it does not involve an action or a doing, it is just what it is, a blow hole, the blow hole of a whale can "expand and contract" or "contract or expand" either way it changes size, every so often, at will (so watch out!)

Yes, we do blow on those things, think of a trumpet or a tuba, like really, really, really loud!

No, i don't have anything nice to say about the "blow hole" other than, it happens.

"clean your "Blow Hole." you putz!"

"i trumpet thee oh "Blow Hole." nor a flower nor a nose, a whale, a whale, no less, but a whale!"

"at that moment in time, it was only a whale that could save that man! Watch out for the "Blow Hole" was the last thing he remembered. "

by good attention September 3, 2013

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I’m Blowed

Florida Slang. Means β€œvery mad or sad”

β€œYo, You’re car’s not there, must’ve been towed”
β€œWtf bro, I’m blowed as fuck i was here for an hour

by FROMDaTRAP July 5, 2019

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Mortal Blow

Attempt to stick your arm up your anus just before climax to receive maximum stimulus to the g-spot

Mortal Blow don't try it alone, unless you have the ER on speed dial ;)

by qalimera December 6, 2017

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