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Duck sushi

Eating pussy

Duck under this table and eat this sushi, duck sushi

by Kat Fitch April 18, 2020

oh duck

The perfect thing to say when a duck is attacking you, "oh fuck" is not an option.

Duck: *Attacks guy*
Guy 1: Oh duck

by BIGMUSCLEMAN123 December 9, 2020

Duck stash

The mustache-like plaster of sticky feathers left on the upper lip of someone who has just blown a duck.

Person 1 "Dude, I hate when you eat soup for lunch!"

Person 2 "Why?"

Person 1 "Because it gets all caught up in your duck stash! You are so f**king fowl!"

by NoFanOfTodd January 13, 2011

Duck overlord

A mother fucker who controls ducks

Example Ben is a duck overlord he controls ducks

See definitions of Ben for reference on urban dictionary for more.

by Nikkafuckyall January 2, 2022

Ducking and diving

Rhyming slang for skiving

I survived being given responsibility by ducking and diving.

by spiltseed March 20, 2019


a dyslexic way of saying: suck dick!

You comment, as posted on Fox News Comments, indicates that you duck-sick.

by sagabeeba March 15, 2020

duck dicking


Middle Minnesotian: from Incorrect Old English
1) To be screwed in a particularly circuitous fashion, usually with no legitimate purpose or reason. "I don't like being duck dicked around by defense counsel."
2) A corkscrew shaped weapon, usually easily defeated with reason and by mentally and physically superior beings (usually women). "His duck dick doesn't intimidate me."

Enough duck dicking around, let's get to the point.

by Duck D. Grey-Duck September 26, 2017