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Extreme Bucket Pong

A game in which two players replicate a game similar to volleyball but instead with an empty plastic bucket. Mainly played in classrooms. Created by Tim Neate and Keir Loudon

"Hey Todd, Fancy playin some Extreme Bucket Pong tonight"

by keiryeahbaby January 26, 2009

Love Bucket of Joy

Not to be confused with the term "Love Bucket," a Love Bucket of Joy is a positive expression used to tell someone that you care about them because they bring you joy. In other words, the "love bucket of joy" showers you with buckets of love and joy.

Hello my love bucket of joy! - Monica

by BucketOfCrackers May 30, 2014

monkey spunk bucket

A person or persons whom eat their own seaman/spunk/cum

Guy1- dude I ate my own cum
Guy2- omg your such a monkey spunk bucket

by Words make us feel January 8, 2014

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that's a different bucket of chicken

An expression used to explain two seemingly similar things that are actually two different things all together.

Fried chicken recipes are numerous, and almost common in all cultures, but quite unique from one another. KFC, a common chain globally dealing in fried chicken, buckets chicken.

Sometimes you want extra tasty crispy, but the bucket is actually original blend. You'd want to know that's a different bucket of chicken before diving in.

Using this same thought process, we can make an analogous comparison to other seemingly similar things that might actually be quite different entirely.

You like star wars right? You hear there's a new star trek movie coming out? I mean, yea, but that's a different bucket of chicken my man.

by lotekness May 27, 2021

Celebrity Bucket Kickers

A fictional game/reality show created by a certain troll in the online game show community. It's a stupid concept where the troll announces a celebrity had passed away by stating that said celebrity was a contestant on that day's episode of Celebrity Bucket Kickers.

All posts that announce that a deceased celebrity was on Celebrity Bucket Kickers should get the poster who posted it automatically banned!

by John2019 June 6, 2023

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Gin Bucket Friday

Pre-game tradition originating at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY, where 6-8 people gather and casually drink from the gin bucket. This occurs every friday night or whenever else one is called. Many different gin buckets go on at once, however, one may belong to only one.

2 liters of Gin
2 liters of Sprite
3.5 liters of Simply Limeaid

Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Uhh, its Gin Bucket Friday man!

by SLUzer September 12, 2010

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Three Bucket Cunt

An overworked, overstretched, gaping, stinking, infectious, diseased, baby-trap-door vagina.

When you see a baby mother pushing her pram down the street whilst smoking a fag, or a prostitute hanging out on a street corner, or if someone really irritates you; you might say to your fellow company, "Check out that Three Bucket Cunt!"

by Rory Lafferty June 21, 2007

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