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Henry Brown Riverview school

a big tall hottie with a very sexy pose

henry brown riverview school is the hottest boy i wish he were in grade 3 too

by BluetreesYT January 15, 2024

Henry Ramen

A short guy with glasses who had a strange addiction to Ramen Noodles. He has a weird sense of humor and doesn’t play any sports except soccer.

Henry ramen really like ramen.

by MrKrabzx February 14, 2020

Henry Zoellner

A kid who makes trash ass music and promotes it but nobody listens.

I am so tired of Henry Zoellner pushing his music to me, it’s so booty cheeks.

by jerryswanson April 22, 2024

henry truong

1. the act of procrastinating to the point where you start after time ends so you're technically not even late
2. a weird dude who hoes himself out for keyboards

i totally henry truonged
beware of henry truongs, and keep your keyboards safe around him

by Stormmmmmm January 25, 2018

Henry Vallance

Henry Vallance was one of the most vocal feminists in the 1800s. He was supposedly on the British side of the war, though he later on worked for the America. He had two lovers, Elizabeth Coldwell and Amelia York. His letters were recently discovered (Found in 2022). It was a string of love letters which later concluded with his suicide.

"Who was that one guy who had two wives and killed himself?"
"Did you mean Henry Vallance?"

by pizzapoker February 3, 2022