It's nearly the same as Fabian Fever but with other people like Tobi. The only difference is that Fabian Fever never stops where as this does. Fortnite Fever can also occur in other games
Oh shit Tobi. Do you have Fortnite Fever again? Don't be a Fabian.
To stay home from work or school, to play the wildly popular game of Fortnite. Symptoms may also include not knowing what the period of time known as a fortnight is.
Jim had the Fortnite Fever yesterday, and couldn't go to work.
when a gay or a homosexual has been single for a long time and haven't been in a relationship with another gay and they start to get sad over and and start dreaming of being gay with another
Person #1:Man I've been single for awhile! I want someone to be gay with!
Person #2 : Looks like you have gay fever.
Person #1 : Wow, I think you're right.
When a gay person develops feelings for another homosexual solely because they are gay. They see them as an option and subconsciously develop feelings because of this. Usually it wears of after a few weeks and is most common in young gays who are trying to figure themselves out and don't have as many open gays around them.
Gay: Hey man i heard Andy was gay, i think i like him.
Friend: No you just have gay fever.
Gay: shit man your right.
when you use comma (,) too much.
like i do, dont get comma fever
i, have, comma fever, help, me,
One who likes Navajo women more than other types of women.
That guys got friedbread fever
An extreme attraction for people of Latin descent. Similar to Yellow or Jungle fever
" I don't know what it is, but those Latinas are so damn sexy. They dance so well, sing well, have sexy bodies, are fun to be with, beautiful faces and they're funny. I think i got chili fever cause i'm not even Latino."