A combination of feces of 2 or more people creating a soupy porridge.
"The children created a California porridge again.Son of a bitch..."
Another way of saying Hollister clothing in another state other than California.
My middle aged teacher is wearing a California shirt.
The sexual act of folding a neverhard dick in half and shoving it inside a vagina. Also sometimes using the balls with the folded dick just so you can feel something firm.
My husband couldn't get hard last night, so we tried the California Meat Wagon. Best I have had in some time.
A California Uncle is a man who has previously had intimate relations with a woman; who has had a child by another man. A man is not a California Uncle until relations with the mother have concluded amicably
“Bro I’ll up later, I have to get a graduation present for my niece”
“Your sister is 20, how do you got a niece?”
“Nah not like a blood niece, I’m a California Uncle”
The act of ejaculating in a woman's mouth. Then immediately creating a seal between her mouth and your anus. The next step is to fart thus inflating her cheeks like a balloon.
Dude I gave me Ashlee a California Hot Air Balloon last night!
A California Snickers is when a women has uncontrollable bouts of laughter during a climax or orgasm.
Bruh! that bitch had the california snickers.
A game you play on your way to either California or Nevada. It’s pretty simple. Punch your friend, spouse, child, or whatever and say either California or Nevada when you are near state lines.
“Nevada!” “Ow! why did you hit me.” “We are playing California Nevada, Dipshit. It’s the point of the game”