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Death fall

The physical and psychological changes that occur in a person that indicates death is coming.

Brittany: Brian's hands feel very cold; and he seems to be very weak. He also seems to be very sleepy.
Henry: Brian is on the verge of succumbing to his illness. He is experiencing Death fall.

by Vanguard 1998 February 5, 2021

death horn

The feeling of arousal, or an urge to procreate, that you might get when you are so sick you think you might die.

I was lying in bed with man flu and was overwhelmed by the death horn.

by Hatcat January 30, 2016

party deathed

To party so hard you die, typically used when forced by others to party.

I can't go to college out of state for fear of being party deathed by a frat.

by LA77 January 19, 2017

Death Star

The act of fighting over a fat woman. The winner runs around her in several circles while jerking off until he's ready to cum. As he squirts at her vagina, the other guys yell "use the force, Luke!"

"Dude, check that chick out... we should Death Star the shit out of her."
"Yeah, bro."

by NerdaLERT February 16, 2013

death pickle

a restaurant game we used to play with slices of pickles, object was to stack a slice of pickle with ingredients in attempt to design the grossest pickle.

the rules were:
- items had to be edible
- healthcode safe
- no toilet humor, like you couldn't wipe pickles on your body
- items had to stay on the slice without falling off

after designing pickles we'd taste test each creation and rank the winner of grossest pickle

Hey guys, ready to play some death pickle today?

by psykoz June 2, 2018

Death Pickle

In Monster Hunter, a euphemism for the monster Deviljho, named such as it is up to twenty feet tall, hits with immense force, has the attitude of a hundred salty dogs, and has their appetite to boot. Players often find the monster crops up in missions (called hunts) and absolutely wreaks havoc on anything and everything that moves, including players.

The hunt was going fine until the damn death pickle showed up and wiped us all out in a couple of hits.

by RivCA April 28, 2021

Dots of Death

The worst thing to see in a group chat


by FuturePurple October 11, 2017