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flame it up

to smoke marijuana

Friend 1: 'You got any kush?'
Friend 2: 'Yeah dude let's flame it up!'

by MazDilly April 30, 2019

Flame shift

To deflect judgment for being a terrible person and/or doing terrible things by jumping on the momentum of hate toward someone else. Typically used by canceled influencers/celebs in an attempt to regain public favor and win back their audience.

Despite being extremely problematic figures in their own right, Jeffree Star and James Charles have chosen to flame shift to Mikayla Nogueria for lying to her fans, hoping that the community will forget their much worse misdeeds.

by IndigoPhoenix21 February 23, 2023

Flamsy Flame

A person that has no gender and has a very mysterious life. Someone that will keep secrets and will not give you what you want until they trust you. They usually let people paint their image for them.

... too awkward say Flamsy Flame in a sentence so I will let someone else choose it for me...

by Dekka Lite January 29, 2020

Flaming butt fuck

The practice of standing on one side of the street with a Roman Candle, waiting for an unsuspecting victim to walk past, splashing him/her with gasoline, firing the Roman Candle to ignite the flaming butt fuckee, and then proceeding to have anal sex with him/her.

I’m heading down to San Francisco this weekend. I really hope I get flaming butt fucked.

I worry about my daughter going to college next year. Flaming butt fuckers are rampant on college campuses.

It’s going to be cold tonight. Perfect weather for a Flaming butt fuck.

by Mark Nancy August 25, 2022


Established in 2023 by an independent artist in the eastern streets of Multnomah County. Founded by a Portland, Or. Hip-Hop artist known as The Abominable OreGonism to promote the originality and genuinity behind his artistic expressions and showcase the value behind the beloved blue flame, used by many people seeking to fly in jets, light their smoke (whatever that may be) or even stay warm in the long dark, wet, cold, winters in the PNW streets. Over time the mission of the #blueflamehotboyz has snowballed into a vast ideological embodiment of categorized expression by the artist involving activism, humanitarianism and of course street life & limitless artistic expression. Some words from the creator:

"Look buddy, I embody a philosophy of inclusivity, equality, and spiritual illumination, fueled by passion and purpose. As a Multnomah County native, I proudly stand against racism, hate crimes, and discrimination, upholding truth and authenticity. With unwavering commitment, My focus remains unwavering, undeterred by negativity and dark phsycology. I advocate for cessation of hostilities toward Israel and condemn anti-Semitic sentiment. great man & bad boy simultaneously. Refine your perspective. #STOPJEWISHHATE #JESUSGANG #EVERYTHINGisMATTER #whiteMANmovement #BLUEflameHOTboyz #ONEiN8BiLLiON #DesignerKush #paSSiONdriven #rEaliSm
My motto for 2025
"If you're so tuff, stop picking on the Jews."

Damn nice torch G, that's some blue flame hot Boyz shit FR
Thanks. So is not stopping to the levels of our opposition brother. And sticking up for it people especially the women and children.

by The Abominable OreGonism December 10, 2024

Flame toucher


Shilo is such a flame toucher

by BWW hahahah November 18, 2020

grill got flamed

when you prank someone and then you say grill got flamed
or when you roast someone and then you can say grill got flamed

the defanition of Grill got flamed

(someone looking up) (the person says huh) (the person beside the person) what are you looking at (and then looks up) (the person beside the person) haha got em

by richboyrick February 17, 2024