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lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off

One of the best songs in the world. This song was written by none other than Panic! At the Disco.

quote from the song: "Let's get these teen hearts beating faster, faster, so testosterone boys and harlequin girls, will you dance to this beat and hold a lover close?"

Person #1: "Have you heard that awesome song by Panic! At the Disco?"

Person #2: "You mean 'Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off?' "

Person #1: "OF COURSE! It's my favorite song by them!"

by panicloverforev July 13, 2006

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michael scott's dunder mifflin scranton meredith palmer memorial celebrity rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure

The Office (U.S.) S4:E1 "Fun Run"
what Michael Scott created for his coworker, Meredith Palmer, to find a cure for rabies, even though it is already cured and the Fun Run didn't raise any money (besides the money Jan donated--with Michael's money--to a nurse stripper)

Michael Scott drank less water and more fettuccine alfredo during the Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race For The Cure.

by anna is a bananya May 6, 2019

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butthole fun

Sticking it in without knowing it’s a dude and enjoying it ever so slightly and regretting it afterwards but going back for more

Dude I accidentally had butthole fun last night when I was wasted

by Cbbobb January 9, 2018

Captain Fun

This is the strongest being in the universe. God may pray to chazi but chazi prays to Captain Fun. Captain fun lays down justice and fun to all wrong doers.

God: chazi help us

Chazi: hold on let me ask captain fun

by MemesandTrees September 17, 2020

Captain Fun

Being a boring miserable little shit, Ditching Ya m8s to ride the buses

Sean 'From the shire' Chartlon
Pale skinned, brown toothed mong!
Captain Fun himself

by Luke Anthony Lyons 1 December 17, 2008

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Naruto Turkiye Fun Club

That is Naruto Fan page of Turkey Thats not bad but the admin :Kakashi is saying anime to Naruto (yes its normal) and sad cartoon to all Animes.

And Kakashi isnt know English i think becouse he wrote FUN club.

Hey Did you know Kakashi in Naruto Turkiye Fun Club?

Oh yes he is very '!^'^++^%#$

by Anti Naruto February 4, 2013

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Short term fun

What people are claiming they’re looking for on an online dating platform. It’s the term men use when they are actually being honest and it’s the term women use to lure and trap men they want a relationship with.

Doug:Hey Chris- I heard you’re going to aprils parents place for dinner- I thought she was only looking for β€˜short term fun’?
Chris: ya me too - I was trapped she said she inherited wanted short term fun

by Johnnaykikass April 10, 2024

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