The OG hipster. He was a hipster before hipsters were a thing.
Oh Dominic? That hipster’s just laying in the grass to center himself and rethink his place in the world. He’ll be ready back to day drinking after his favorite sad song finishes playing in his head.
Perfect example of a pseudo intellectual
Hipster: I shall carry this Nietzche book along with this book on embryology to the coffee shop to look intelligent today.
A dumb or silly child/teenager who thinks they're cool when they're really not
A hipster just said hi to me today, he sounded dumb
Everything Samantha B. from springboro ohio does on the regular
Oh hey thats a hipster there because she's acting like Sam B. from springboro ohio regularly
Someone who had their apartment burn down and who lost everything, Creating a sub conscious personality that breeds a strong rejection of society's common viewpoint on most things. Often followed by denial of being a hipster. This type of personality is exceptionally educated but ofter portrays the inability to do things properly.
A used car salesman who doesnt sell many cars, is a hipster. Because if you are a used car salesman and follow the societal ways you will succeed.
A hipster is anyone who lives in Fitzroy, Brunswick or Northcote. No one living in South Yarra, they are not hipsters.
Example A: "Wow look at that hipster, they must live in Fitzroy!"
Example B: "Wow look at them, they must live in South Yarra! They're not a hipster. That's a gucci bag."
Someone who listens to indie-rock, wears 80's style clothing, (for men) has a long beard and has a lot of tattoos