A computer-animated television show on Fusion that was created by David Javerbaum and produced by The Jim Henson Company under its Henson Alternative banner and ShadowMachine Films. The show uses The Jim Henson Company's real time motion capture Digital Puppet Studio
Good Morning Today is the worst show ever.
A play on the song Say Amen (Saturday Night) by Panic! at the Disco written by Shrek Shady! at the Disco
say infinity stone (thursday morning) is lit
The act of waking up and being ultra productive.
Wow, look at the morning stem go.
a bad idea.
"Good Morning Nate" is on TV!
Don't you mean "Good Morning 'Stoga?"
Someone who forages either in their laundry basket or the fridge/cabinet when late in the morning. Usually, they appear around laundry and shopping days.
Helene realized on the morning of the big meeting that all her good clothes were in the basket, so she morning foraged, and found something un-smelly enough.
"Honey, get up!" a mom shouted. "You have a test today, and it'll take to long if you become a morning forager!"
Person 1: "Good morning!"
Person 2:"Bad morning."
Person 1:"wtf"