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Fundamentalist Lesbians

A lesbian that will not dating women who have dated men before.
See 'gold star lesbian'

Suzanne is a 'fundamentalist lesbians' that won't date Kate after Kate got with John.

by T double d bone December 19, 2018

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lesbian luggage

After lesbians inevitably move in together after just starting to date and immediately break up, the new-ex's belongings are swiftly put into garbage bags and put out on the front porch for them to collect without having to have yet another fight.

"Why's that garbage bag on the front porch?" "Oh, that's Carole's lesbian luggage. We broke up yesterday."

by ef.this September 17, 2019

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Fidget lesbian

Being dumb in a way that's very lesbian.

You're so fidget lesbian.

by Un copil bolnav de cap February 11, 2019

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tragic lesbian

-A straight female, who receives little to attention from men, has not had any type of intimate relationship with one, and has lost hopes of having one. Therefore, leading her to seek relationships with other women despite being attracted to men.

Amber will become a tragic lesbian, if she doesn't find a boyfriend.

by Posey Lint January 30, 2009

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Supersand Lesbian

Referring to someone who no one really likes, and is very irritable such as sand. But they still get in everyone's pant's

Boy " You really are a Supersand Lesbian"
Girl " Whats that supposed to mean"
Boy" No one likes you but you get into everyone's pants"

by Desu<3 September 7, 2015

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Straight Lesbian

A word used for a girl who is bisexual but doesn't feel comfortable being called "Bi"

Chelsea: Doesn't Taylor Swift and Joe Jonas make such a cute couple?

Sara: I'll F**k the both of them

Chelsea: Omg, You are like so Bi!

Sara: I'm not Bi, I'm just a straight lesbian ;p

by RaraAhhAhAh October 18, 2010

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Tumblr Lesbian

Jade is a tumblr lesbain

She's antisocial and spends all her time on tumblr, she must be a tumblr lesbian

by Zeroorezo March 14, 2018

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