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Mike Anarchy

Usually the leader, father, or savior of a rebellious group, hacker organization, wrestling stable, or a community of people who want to REVOLT. He is fierce, fearless, and furious, he has a main goal in mind and it's to stretch ones muffler.

No, it's not a reference to the television show, "Sons of Anarchy"

We need a Mike Anarchy in our lives, we don't know where Toys R Us is.

by Ro-Wrestler January 17, 2018

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mike tyson

A mike tyson is someone who is very rough and arrogant. They like to fight and stand up for their rights. They can be a good friend because they will always stand up for you when you need it.

person 1: Can I have a pizza?
person 2: No.
person 1: UGHHHH *punches person 1*
person 3: OMG! why did you punch her? Are you mike tyson?!!

by stupidfackingbetch April 19, 2021

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Dirty Mike

A man who consistently sharts himself 5 times a year and has no qualms with the fact that he sharts himself-

5 times a year.

If you ever hear him say,

"OOPS- Looks like Dirty Mike and The Boys are back in town again!"

He's referring to hit latest Shart, and "The Boys" are the poo particles in the fart.

"God damnit I sharted myself again! That's the 4th time this year, if I keep this up I might be the next Dirty Mike around town. Maybe I should see a doctor.. or at least wear underwear for the next time."

by Not a Shitter69 April 14, 2021

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Mike Cocks

The ultimate 'pretending he is important' dickhead in the office. Mike thinks he knows it all, but in fact, he's making life difficult for everyone else. In-fact, this Mike takes leave when he wants and takes credit for everything (but everyone knows he is a fraud and does not know WTF he is on about) , infact...he cock blocks everyone else making any positive progress. He even stops people taking annual leave because it may make his life slightly more difficult to edit fucking random spreadsheets while he takes his coffee breaks (hes probably wanking over some lesbian chick who works in the office tbh)

Fuck man....i know how you feel....this just another Mike Cocks problem. Just talk to the directors....i'm sure you'll get your annual leave.

by youdontknow_me June 27, 2019

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mike’s rumors

a service passed on by michael kronick that informs everyone about any personal things that have happened in one’s life.

bruh mike’s rumors are never true

by penisbuttaidsass October 7, 2019

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Mike Christo

A man who has moves like Jagger

That guy can dance! He is a total Mike Christo.

by forealtas November 8, 2018

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The Flight Mike

a person who give NFL and NBA news. He flys in youtube and is mordern day equivalent of the traditional pigeon. gives good takes.

Imran - "I saw The Flight Mike flying, brotha never sleeps."

by ellaellaey December 5, 2021

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