A child, typically a boy, who is found to be particularly sexually attractive. The term is meant to discreetly inform about an implied desire to “dig them out”
32$ for a bag of chips and 4 small trowels.
small Hollow, AKA Hollow or Hollis Mall, is the founder of Hollow animation studios and the creator of the up and coming indie show Rejects.
Woah, small Hollow just released another sneak peak to the discord!
A frequent liar with yellow skin and is very small. Is also extremely gay.
That guy is horrible! Why is he such a small paul
unusually small nipples are a sign of warmth, lack of sex, or you were just born with small nipples
dude you have really small nipples
When you grow up in a small town and your popular so you believe your attractive and smart. When you have a iq under 100 and you look like rocky dennis compared to most people.
That guy is dumb and ugly yet he acts like that must have a small town brain.
When you have a small or under average foot and the reason for his is to wait her nibble off the ends or to tape the toes dumbass girls do this for attention.
Justin: ur feet are tiny u ugly hoe
Waverly: omg thanks I just bit the back part off *blushes*
Justin: u have problems u ugly whore
Waverly : I know heheh
Justin : u have Small foot disorder