Someone who wears a pot on there head.
hey dude jerry is a real Pot head
A person that likes to get head from a pot
A pot head is the sexual term from getting head from a flower pot ! “Yo, that girl gives good head over there” said Petter “you mean my flower pot”
Someone whom is running around with a flower pot on their head
Student- Hey Teacher?
Teacher- Yes?
Student- Do you have any pots?
Teacher- Uhh no?
Student- Damnit I wanted to be a pot head
<Three weeks later student is found dead after running infront of a car with a pot on his head>
Teacher; weed is bad don’t be a pot head!
Caleb; takes a hit of weed what did you say?
To place stinging nettles into a woman's vagina.
Wowzers that was a lovely stinging flower pot.
Pot not suited for driving. One pulls over and stops, and does not drive or smoke it in a car in motion.
Remember, this is pull over pot. Don't think about being in a moving vehicle after smoking this.
A Pot Pie is someone with bad taste, mainly in car culture. The term can also be applied to anyone with general, objective bad taste
Ex. You see a...
•Ram 1500 with a Carolina Squat and a loud exhaust
•A straight-piped Charger
• Blue cheese eaters
• Clapped out Civic
Bro 1: Did you see that piece of shit Subaru?
Bro 2: Yeah, that guys a major Pot Pie