Stands for real talk time. A quick session with a person or persons in which you tell secrets.
Hey, that was good real t time over skype last night.
Diametrical tension between deductivism (man's thoughts deduce reality) and solipsism (man can only be sure of his thoughts).
Congruent to the a priori-a posteriori duality.
Perpendicular to the true-false duality.
Together with its true-false counterpart, the null-real duality causes the observer to experience existentialism as a double-blind phenomena.
The null-real duality increases the number of arbitrary meta-values to four: true, false, null, real.
The rate at which borrowers pay interest for money borrowed in the loanable funds market that has been adjusted for inflation. Also shows what savers earn for lending.
The real interest rate is a real one like Drake
When the real niggas wanna eat their mf Soup😤
Yo Jerome it’s real soup hours
Frank:Dans Friend UAD is a real time niggah
Richard: Yea he ant no half time niggah
The government replaced them
Birds Aren't Real
3👍 1👎
The Johnny Conny Ionny welcome is an action where you just wave at a person and say hi. That's it
Person 1: Someone just did The Real JCI Welcome at me. How very polite!
Person 2: Are you implying there's another fake JCI welcome?
Person 1: Don't look it up.