Ship it:putting two people together i ship it
Shoot it:rejecting a ship
Jamie asked the squad ship it or shoot it when referring to the ship if the squad
Doing something so horrible that people compare it to shooting Cecil the lion!
I threw out my daughter's ratty old tennis shoes and she was so upset it was like shooting the lion!
It MEANS plenty of BLAME to go around not just ANAL ALAN SHIT ASSH0LE scapegoat.
Hey you know let me put it to you this way MANDALAY BAY SHOOTINGS SENDSURROUND as major players will be listed after a WEIGHTING can be determined , so this UPCOMING VERY IMPORTANT DEFINITION is on temporary hold but this TANTAMOUNT ONE will be sent to APPRISE OF THIS STELLAR NEW FINDINGS that will be summarized soon in a CONCISE and TO THE POINTS MANNERS.
Shooting the glue gun is a sex move where you shoot cum out of your genital and aim it at your partner, if they wish to be decorated in your liquids.
Luke and Amy where having sexual activity, and Amy was shooting the glue gun. She ejaculated all over Luke.
A game of lining semi-empty or empty water bottles on a table, and then ejaculating on them to see if you can either knock them off the table, or just knock them down. Off the table is +3 points, and simply just knocking them down is +1 point.
I was in a game of skeet shooting with Jimmy the other day, and he knocked all the bottles off of the table! Man does his loads have some velocity.
A photo shoot where attire is naked or semi-naked.
I’m doing a hoe shoot with my home girls.
The act of driving around (usually with friends) searching for something to do.
Guy 1: Hey dude do you have any ideas for what we're gonna when we hang?
Guy 2: Not really bro, let's just Shoot the Du.
Guy1: Sounds good to me bro, let's get into some trouble!