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Peanut Butter Spoon

The spoon you use spoon to shovel the shit out of a girls anal cavity and into her vagina.

Johnny don’t use that spoon!!! That’s a peanut butter spoon!

Johnny: good

by Mexican Lawn Mower September 19, 2020

Peanut Butter Spoon

When its Midnight and you need a snack because Donut Operators' cute ass just uploaded.

"Hey Charlie, got a Peanut Butter Spoon?"

by GayRetardIan September 19, 2020

Peanut butter spoon

When you spoon a Woman’s vagina with peanut butter on your hand and then have a dog lick it

“I gave Rachel and peanut butter spoon which her dog Henry last night”

by SomeA$$hole April 9, 2022

Peanut Butter Spoon

A spoon shoved up someone's ass to scoop out shit to eat.

"Babe, can we peanut butter spoon tonight?"

"fuck no"
"Ah, man"

by Whoamiwhatamihowami October 2, 2023

Peanutbutter spoon

Reference to Donut Operator

"What does peanutbutter spoon mean on urban dictionary? Probably nothing. Look it up."

by Donzateks September 19, 2020


A mini spoon often seen in mouths, found in Winco when serving free samples.

Karah, "Oh look free samples,"
Amber,"Awww, mini spoon,"
Karah, "Thems are spoon-zillas."

by Kambah Birgle September 5, 2009

power spoon

The man lies on his side with the woman lying on her side with her back to his front.

The same as spoons but with intercourse. The preferred method of the lazy man.

I was tired but still wanted to do it, so I gave her the power spoon.

by 4head269 December 12, 2016