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Skillett Squad

A national band of Elite squads one in every region of The United with only the coolest of the savages, legends, and beasts.

My Dad was pretty cool in High School, he was even in The Skillett Squad

by SanderzThomas June 26, 2018

Rat Squad

A House music, rave group with members all over the UK who are loved by rave tarts.

Tart 1: "OMG, is that Rat Squad"
Tart 2: "No way, it is"
Tart 3: "Lets get i the mixer with them and get our rats out"

by Nymousanon February 11, 2025

Solver Squad

A GMod "Scooby Doo" parody where five guys with very shitty mics roleplay as Scooby-Doo characters that are wheelchair-bound due to an incident where they let Scooby drive the Mystery Machine. Together, they continue to solve mysteries, fighting all the way. Most of the humor comes from them making fun of each other's horrible mic quality, and their extreme troubles navigating maps in a wheelchair, which is typically always difficult or impossible.

Famous scenes from Solver Squad:

Shaggy: "Like, what's wrong with your face?"
Impostor!Shaggy: "Zonks!"
Shaggy: "Like, that's not what I say, man! I say 'Zoinks!'"
"Stop picking on Shaggy, Shaggy!'
Velma: (Unintelligible) "A red herring is when there's a clue, but it isn't really a clue, and-" (Unintelligible)
Shaggy: "Like, I can't understand Velma, man!"

by Someone who kinda exists September 6, 2022

Ghentse Squad

De ghentse groep, ook wel ghentse Squad genoemd, staan vooral bekend voor hun rap talent, manipulatieve gedragingen en hypocriete neigingen. Ze zijn makkelijk te herkennen door hun bivakmutsen (om bepaalde insecurities te verbergen) en hun zwarte kleding (zodat die matcht met hun ziel).

Moest je op zoek zijn naar goedkope rap muziek, ghenste Squad has got you covered ;)

Q: have you heard what happened in ghentse squad?
A: where? :/

by ghentse squad fan September 13, 2020

Squad or Team

The way that a female finishes, “squirt squad, or cream team

“Hey do you think Kelly is on the Squad or Team?”
“She’s definitely on the squad

by Bone Bros. April 9, 2023

yeet squad

Noun: Group of people who are litty

Yo Cimron you in the yeet squad?

by Gujupapi August 12, 2021

Yeet Squad

The BEST band in the world

Person 1: Man, I love the Yeet Squad
Person 2: Same bruv!

by 1234567890-0987654321 urban co January 6, 2020