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Power Dump

A dump you take so fast that you barely even sat on the toilet

Why was That so fast? I took a power dump

by A weird Canadian July 2, 2018

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Front dump

When a person takes a long forceful piss

After those twelve beers I had a wicked front dump.

by Bigblackdrew October 20, 2017

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top dump

The worst of the worst, the worst of the garbage.

Takes from the hockey phrase "top cheddar" (to score a goal in hockey in the upper part of the net, taking from "top shelf").

Guy 1: This girl is pretty ugly.
Guy 2: She's top dump.

by topdump October 15, 2014

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Dick dump


"I'm so nervous about my date tonight, I've got the shakes ! "

"Well for god's sake have a dick dump before you go !"

by i2oo March 14, 2013

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dump jamit

1) When playing a video game expressing anger at the character for not doing an action.
2) Also can be used in regular conversation when angered at an object, person or action.

I couldnโ€™t beat the boss and I was yelling at Dante "dump jamit!"

I dropped my book in the hall way today looked down and mumbled "dump jamit" under my breath

by Tim Martikainen February 25, 2007

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Food consumed before using the bathroom known in some circles as food.

Make it or break your girl calls refers to all meals as pre-dump

by Juddnelson April 11, 2016

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Cunt Dump

A term used to describe a ladies monthly cycle.... CAUTION! it's use may cause offence/death.

Guy 1: Ain't getting laid this week...

Guy 2: Why not?

Guy 1: She's having a cunt dump....

Guy 2: Lame...

by Krasek November 3, 2009

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