A new generation of hipster, 28+ male found in cities. Rocking a flat cap, checked flannel shirt and old man Cardigan. Far less edgy than a hipster, they may or may not have a beard and they generally work in middle management and like to spend weekends on meditation retreats, having nice weekends with family and friends and not drinking the latest on trend craft beer.
Celeb Urban grandads include Matthew Edmondson radio one and John Richardson comedian
I Really like Matt, he’s such a nice guy, he had a cool cardigan on last week, when he told me he liked my jumper, he’s such an Urban Grandad.
When you refer to a word you looked up on Urban Dictionary. Used as a verb, just like "Googled".
Julia: Do you know what a 'thot' means?
Salma: Yeah, I urban dic'd it.
The act of rappelling from a building, monument, or any other anthropogenic urban structure. Some people do this professionally, cleaning parts that can't be reached any other way and doing other stuff of the sort, while others just freak out.
You could earn quite some cash on urban rappelling, but there're quicker ways of breaking your spine.
A once time traveller with no fixed abode, but can be seen living in rented (normally council owned/run) property. They have usually lived in or currently own a house with wheels predominantly on farmland/ Private land. They may appear civilised but , like foxes they are wild and cannot be tamed and should be shot. There political views are generally conservative and resist progress at every turn , due to them aspiring to live like a victorian peasant.
that James B is such an "urban Pikey"
All the single, horny children that add girls' first names and make the definition "hottest woman ever ohhhh." Or, they post their friends' names as condoms, different lengths of penises, or references to types of porn.
*scrolling through Urban Dictionary*
Jesus Christ, it's Jason... Porn.
This must've been posted by an Urban Fucktard.
N. - Describing an urban dictionary definition that is distasteful and lacks any creativity, inspiration, influence and correct literacy/grammar.
Why would any write such urban-rea in the midst of some true genius?
All that the 5 year old could write was urban-rea for he had not the proper education to write something valuable and/or useful.
Where words rejected by Urban Dictionary are banished to.
The staff didn't like my word putzpot and sent it to the urban wasteland.