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What are friends

Something I don’t have😭

Somebody: “what are friends

Me: “something I don’t have”*cries*

by YourMumDamien September 25, 2019

What a 50

Only certain people use this expression, it spans upon ages and is used to define something quite unbelievable

She gave me some money, i thought it was a 30 but it was actually a 20... what a 50

by CDEEZ81 February 17, 2019

Wait, what?

When someone is talking so fast or talking about such nonsensical things you can’t understand that you just have to hold your hand up and say, wait, what? Also used as an expression of surprise.

Example 1:
Julie: OMIGOSH Jessica, the craaaaziest thing happened today ooh crayfish anywaaaay so yeah the absolutely most crazy thing yeah so Anna was like whaaat and I was like whaaat and Jordan was like what are you whaaating about and like-
Jessica: Wait, what?

Example 2:
Daughter: Hey, mom.
Mom: Hey. Your belly is kinda bloated. You ate a lot today, huh?
Daughter: Oh, actually, I’m pregnant. Did I not tell you?
Mom: Wait, what?

by ActuallySensible June 17, 2018

1👍 1👎

what to do?

type in google: games

Blocked by admin

type in google: minecraft

Blocked by admin

what to do? I 'm bored.

by hdjgks April 24, 2021

what da

Pronounced “Wut Duh” An expression that is not the same as “what the-“. What da is used to convey that what the other person said was stupid.

Person 1: I think that pineapple belongs on pizza

Person 2: What da

by Supermaniacjoey44 November 24, 2020

what's the slice

The coolest possible way to say "what's up"

what's the slice home-swizzle?

by Thatmeanpersoneveryonehates December 8, 2015

What the must

“What the must” is a phrase to use when you are grossed out or confused.

A way to use “what the must “ is as followed,

Friend 1: “Look at Mr.Bills balls, I bet they are so hot and hairy.”
Friend 2: “That is so gross, what the must.”

by Justin205 February 14, 2022