The result of a man with a white beard performing cunnilingus on a woman while on her period.
Santa totally had mad pink beard after going down on Mrs. Claus.
Annoying mf who eats mc wraps 24/7 and defo fancies erin white
Wow, toby beard is broke as fuck! hes defo not made a trench outing game.
Worn by pseudo-hipsters who are part of the the "...let's all be individualists and wear the same beard and haircut along with horned rim glasses if you need them..." crowd.
"Look there's another douche wearing beard wax, what are they clones?"
An anal male, preoccupied with his looks & perfect personal presentation shallow detached from the importance of real emotions anal up himself
“I was so upset but he just kept glancing at his reflection and preening. He’s utterly beard-wax””. Q: “Is the new boss an understanding type?” A: “Huh! No way. Totally beard-wax... snappy dresser, minimalist office, nil humanity”.
A young adult with a shitty beard that is easily upset over anything considered "woke" or might seem that way. Their beard is typically their only defining trait and is a cover for a lack of personality.
Jim was instantly pissed at trailer for the LoTr tv series and exlaimed, "They better not WOKE it up." His mom's girlfriend laughed and responded, "You don't have to watch it, ya weak-beard havin' ass."
Having a beard that looks like neo from the matrix. All neck hair with patches on face.
Nice neo beard dude, going to fight agent smith?
You should have your neo neck shaved brother.
To start the process of growing a beard, or to take care of your beard.
No shave November is over. Time to beard up.