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Sticky Rice

Make sure you rinse your rice. This is how you make it sticky. Rinse it over and over until it is pretty much clear. If you don't rinse it, the rice particles will rub together, and these particles will cloud your water and make the rice dry and awful to eat. Take this from an Asian. Please rinse your rice if your want to make it sticky and yummy. THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE STICKY RICE!

Person: "How do you make sticky rice? I can't figure it out!"
Second person: "Rinse it a few times, and it will make it very sticky and super yummy!"

by sreiko December 26, 2020

Sticky Rice

Sticky rice is the Asian version of Soggy Biscuit

How to play:
1. Get a group of friends

2. Get in a circle with a bowl of rice in the middle on the floor
3. You all start masturbating at the same time
4. The last one to cum is the loser and has to eat the whole bowl.

Asian 1: "You want to play STICKY RICE"

Asian 2: "Sure but I'm not going to lose again"

by 1234567989823874 August 26, 2019

Piper Rice

Piper Rice is a girl that doesn’t like cats and has beautiful long hair that looks good no matter what.
She’s also the dumbest whore around.

“Look at her, her hairs so long and nice”
“Yeah she must be piper Rice

by DumbWhore101 October 18, 2019

Dylan Rice

This man simply cannot be described by the words we mortals use, he is godly, radiant of energy, and best of all, has a penis so large that makes Drake look like a kindergartner.

"Dylan Rice is sooooo hot"

by wewewewewewewewewee April 10, 2024

Rice filthies

This is the ultra-alternative to Kellogg’s Rice Crispies. Instead of wholesome Snap, Crackle and Pop hanging out in your cereal bowl, Rice Filthies offers you Shit, Piss and Motherfucker. First seen in Hustler Magazine’s comics section back in the ‘80s.

Momma, pour me a big old bowl of Rice Filthies please!

by ValimarGirl July 29, 2021

The Rice Master

The Rice Master is not one who should be taken lightly. The Rice Master is one with the rice having complete omnipotence over rice and it’s likeliness. The Rice Master knows all.

Yo fam make sure you declare your rice to The Rice Master so you don’t get in trouble fam.

by The Rice Master March 18, 2024

Beans n rice

A racist way to say mexicans and asians
(you are not innocent)

Beans n rice

by The immigrant February 17, 2019