Source Code

i hate anime

Everything that can be sumarised to anything similar to "i hate anime";

Meaning 1: i am very depressed, please end my suffering

Meaning 2: i am dead inside

Useage 1:

John: i hate anime!
Jack: then go kill yourself

Alt usage 1:
John: i hate anime!
Jack: ohno please call suicide hotline before you do something stupid

Usage 2:
John: i hate anime!
Max: me to mate, me to

Alt usage 2:
John: i hate anime!
Someone else: you can just say you're dead inside the normalway man

by Fiercefires March 13, 2019

[Insert politician I dont like here]

A massive deuchebag. Nobody likes them.

1: Insert politician I dont like here is a fucking retard.
2: Agreed.

by SlimyKlerburt December 5, 2020

T-F-T-I Dog

Thanks For The Invite, when someone dogs you

When you suggest to have a gathering and then your not invited. This is seen to be an act of dogging, but is usually used with the term T-F-T-I Dog

by CALL ME SIR DOG September 22, 2009

Why Am I So Angry?


Hym "Why am I so angry? Because for the first 12 years I was depressed and suicidal and now that I can be certain that it wasn't a manifestation of my own mind and that this is something that was DONE TO ME I have ever right to be angry! You will accept the consequences of your collective transgressions against me or I WILL IMPOSE THEM! WHAT I DO TO YOUR KIDS IS GOING TO MAKE YOU LOVE MISOGYNY, ANTI-SEMITISM, RACISM, AND HOMOPHOBIA BY COMPARISON YOU RETARDED VERMIN!"

by Hym Iam August 13, 2024

How do I buy the Singapore Fashion Label Aijek?

How do I buy the Singapore Fashion Label Aijek?

How do I buy the Singapore Fashion Label Aijek?

by sdinaz October 24, 2023

I smell thirty cows

A feeling of great happiness and hunger

ME:How do you feel
Him:I smell thirty cows
Me:What do you fell like eating

by Kollando February 25, 2018


The hypothetical way of countering Bieber Fever, or any heartthrob group, with classic rock (Sonic Boom episode 39)

The dude-I-tude cured my Bieber Fever! I can finally watch South Park without feeling guilty!

by A guy August 16, 2015