Welllll........ I saw 2 other definitions of "can I crack" on here..... but um some bop told me it means like if u say yes that mean your not dirty but if u say no it means you are dirty.... NOW that's im thinking about it I'm slow asf like wtfff... dead ass wtff is going on with me..and why tf would u look the definition up. Wtffffff yalllllllll I feel high.. DAILY REMINDER STOP LISTENING TO BOPS WHO NAME STARTS WITH THE LETTER H.... sigh 😕 bops..
Bop: can I crack
You:no..?what does that even mean
Friend: if u say yes that means ur not dirty if u say no that means your dirty. So can I crack
You: ...yea ig?..
another way of saying can i fuck
-can i crack?
no dad u can’t crack
A common phrase used to tell a fugly ass bitch to die. Jacobs usually uses this word against people. Especially if they are zesty as all hell.
I hope you fall down a staircase <3
I hope you don't trip but fall down a staircase <3
Whenever something is forgotten or unmentioned, misspoken or mistaken, use the phrase "What wasn't I thinking?"
Andrea forgot her friend's birthday. She called her and said, Happy Belated Birthday--- "What wasn't I thinking?"
That n*gga had a dr-e-e-e-e-am
Shout out to Martin Luther K-i-i-ing
That nigga had a dr-e-e-e-am
Shout out Martin Luther K-i-i-ing