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Ashmi-Ann is a name which means rock born, hard and strong (Ashmi) and grace (Ann). The name combined would mean a heart strong as a rock shining gracefully.

(Pronunciation: Ashme ann)

“Hello Ashmi-Ann would you like to go for lunch with us?”

“Sure! it would be a pleasure

by Flwer October 1, 2022

Anne's Kid

Synonym for shit. Used to amplify the meaning when someone profiles someone or something as being extremely doo-doo, or in this case, 'Anne's Kid'.

Friend 1: *Steps in dog shit* You stepped in Anne's Kid!
Friend 2: Awwwwwwww, now that's just Anne's Kid!

by Anne's offspring January 2, 2021

callie ann murray

callie ann murray is a slave to the rave

“mate who’s that space cadet over there?”
the ginger one? that’s callie ann murray, she’s a slave to the rave likes”

by ONZO2 May 12, 2022

Aaliyah Ashanti Ann Echols

She sexy tall light skin with hazel eyes she a athlete she a bad bitch and don't take no shit from nobody

Aaliyah Ashanti Ann Echols is sexy

by Kaia willams April 6, 2017


Ann-margret is a weird and wonderful girl. She will almost always on your side, but watch out if you are close she just might take the opportunity to make fun of you. She is always right...

Guy 1: Don't sit to close to the tv, your eyes will get square.

Guy 2: That's a myth...
Guy1: No it's not, Ann-Margret told me so.

by TheWaterSpiritAra December 20, 2016

Kai Ann

Kai Ann; a goofy ahh girl who likes school more than summer. who likes school more than summer? welp, she does. she claims it’s boring and there’s nothing to do, while at school she can get out of the house every day and see the people she loves. she can be silly and funny all the time, (mostly from eating too much cotton candy) but she’s not that crazy when it comes to cotton candy. she obviously has feelings and emotions, but when she’s mad, she can be kinda mean… but that doesn’t change how she feels about you. she would still be crazy over you even if you just ripped her favorite t-shirt that she tie dyed in the 4th grade, but she’d be super angry at you. and when she’s sad, she gets upset very easily, i mean she cries when she can’t get her contacts in for the day, who cries when their mad? welp, she does. but she is a super good friend, she can cheer you up when your sad, she can make you laugh when your quiet, and she can even hype you up when your going to beat a bitches ass! get yourself a Kai, but make sure she doesn’t get cotton candy crazy.

girl: “dude your so funny!”
Kai Ann: “huh?”

girl: “oh uhgoofy ahhh
Kai Ann: “oh thanks hahaha

by kaiann_f July 30, 2022

Meadow Anne Nicole Rigacci

Meadow Anne Nicole Rigacci is the most gorgeous woman on the entire face of the planet and more than likely the universe. Scientific research has proven this as fact until further exploration. She’s the greatest, smartest, toughest, most gorgeous individual you will ever encounter. She’s a terrific woman and anyone whoever meets her is extremely lucky. Shes one of gods greatest gifts to humanity. If you mixed Betty White, Mother Theresa, Martha Stewart, and all the other great lady’s. They still wouldn’t ever compare to this phenomal woman. She is also so great with animals. There will never be another one like her.

What’s hotter than a spark? A fire. What’s hotter than a fire? The sun. What’s hotter than the sun? Super Nova. What’s hotter than a Super Nova? Meadow Anne Nicole Rigacci

by Imadudeman November 15, 2023