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Chipped Dick

Western Pennsylvania slang for "Beat Up" dick that looks like Chipped Ham.

Yo, did you see that Smore (Slutty man whore) Tommy's Chipped Dick, it's beat to hell and back!

by Clamsout22 October 7, 2018

All chip diet

When you're so broke that all you can afford to eat is a $2 bag of chips.

Sorry bro I can't go out tonight. I just paid rent so I'm on an all chip diet.

by Jimmy McSemi January 18, 2023

chip ham

Beaten pussy, not smooth, rough, lose

Damn her pussy was so chip ham bro she been getting a lot lately.

by jAKETHeB0$$ December 21, 2016

Chip This

It’s like telling someone to “check this out” but in reference to something digital or something so cool that you might want to take a picture or video of it.

Hey dude, chip this pic.

by Kreg the Reg November 9, 2022

dip chip

A chip that you dip in yogurt

Lee dipped his dip chip in bens yogurt

by Yeet bot 1 July 30, 2019

Construction chip

A natcho chip, that has no garnish and firm enough to use as a scoop.

Ayo, look at how much food my construction chip can hold, this is like a mountain!”

by Moistbanana June 6, 2022

Pablo Chips

Flat Circle Fries Zeenat And Her Sister Naaema Came Up with

Naaema:I want Pablo chips Zeenat:let’s go make some

by Yoma Loppa December 10, 2021