A Duck Hater is somebody that doesn't like me or Ardenns ducks
Duck Haters = Gabos
The mustache-like plaster of sticky feathers left on the upper lip of someone who has just blown a duck.
Person 1 "Dude, I hate when you eat soup for lunch!"
Person 2 "Why?"
Person 1 "Because it gets all caught up in your duck stash! You are so f**king fowl!"
A mother fucker who controls ducks
Example Ben is a duck overlord he controls ducks
See definitions of Ben for reference on urban dictionary for more.
Rhyming slang for skiving
I survived being given responsibility by ducking and diving.
a dyslexic way of saying: suck dick!
You comment, as posted on Fox News Comments, indicates that you duck-sick.
The perfect thing to say when a duck is attacking you, "oh fuck" is not an option.
Duck: *Attacks guy*
Guy 1: Oh duck