Another word for a naive child with an innocent mind, or a person who knows the truth but doesn't give a shit.
Andy: Bro everybody in this whole class browses rule 34 every day except for Diego!
Holly: Yep, he's lacking horniness.
An intensified state of sexual arousal after burning a bad one, a parking lot beat down, and a side of Penn station east coast subs French fries!
Let’s go to Penn Starion east coast subs for date night babe, I’m hoping to get you Elkhart Horny tonight!
The feeling one gets when shopping for gadgets for the kitchen.
' I'm kitchen horny for that 'Kitchenaid ' mixer"
A person who simply MUST touch the ball no matter the circumstances, cost or consequences. This mainly referse to ball sport.
We lost that game because instead of letting Richard score, Bob decided he had to kick the ball into our own goal because he was ball horny.
Bob is too ball horny and ruins the game for his own team.
the term of being as excited or “horny” as the character Your Boyfriend from the game YBF when in contact with anything or the player, referred to as Y/N.
i didn’t know i managed to make you peter horny
Doge's legendary bat that teleports people to horny jail in one hit!
a Horny Owen is when you have sex and cum starts to come out of your girl nose because she
"sucked to hard " then it falls into her pussy and creates a Dirty Owen
yeh whats up
i'm sad i acidentally did a horny Owen with my girl