Source Code

Joseph caprio

Joseph caprio

Joseph caprio: A man who ejaculates the shit out of monkeys hehe penis face

by Thefuckingmonkey November 4, 2023

Joseph Firth


Joseph Firth is a Fatneek

by Shrvi_03 October 20, 2020

Joseph Maika

Joseph Maika is te person you wanna always know.He knows everybody and can fit in anywhere.He is not that smart and not that dumb he has brains!
Joseph is the kind of friend you wanna have.He can beat any dungeon on any video game, read any comic and tell you who would win a versus, can get into very long discussions on LOTR, anime & manga and even the Bible. Has a very unique sense of humor.
Joseph is definitely a guy you want to get to know, whether you be a guy or a lady.

But ladies, you can give up if he is taken. He is extremely faithful to the girl he loves, and usually doesn't indulge in relationships that don't have potential.

"I totally wish Joseph would give me a chance."
"I know, he's so good to his girlfriend... but, you always want what you can't have..."
So Joseph Maika is someone you wanna have but can't

by TesuwoaZangestu November 22, 2023

Joseph Maika

Joseph Maika is te person you wanna always know.He knows everybody and can fit in anywhere.He is not that smart and not that dumb he has brains!
Joseph is the kind of friend you wanna have.He can beat any dungeon on any video game, read any comic and tell you who would win a versus, can get into very long discussions on LOTR, anime & manga and even the Bible. Has a very unique sense of humor.
Joseph is definitely a guy you want to get to know, whether you be a guy or a lady.

But ladies, you can give up if he is taken. He is extremely faithful to the girl he loves, and usually doesn't indulge in relationships that don't have potential.

"I totally wish Joseph would give me a chance."
"I know, he's so good to his girlfriend... but, you always want what you can't have..."
So Joseph Maika is someone you wanna have but can't.

by TesuwoaZangestu November 22, 2023

Joseph S.

A very small practically bald person who hates any French class and has one talent which is slipping while running.

That little man is such a Joseph S.

by keedis November 3, 2022

Joseph F

This nigga can pull more girls than you
Has a 10 inch cock
Slaps hoes when they don’t have my money

Joseph F Just fucked some bitch with some golden flip flops

by A pimp that slaps hoes November 21, 2021

Ryan Joseph Heath

A really, cute, hot, jacked, ripped, sweet, funny, and adorable army boi.

"Dang Ryan Joseph Heath is the best boyfriend ever."

by notellie January 16, 2019