Every living BeJrooooming as in every living being. By lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥ 💙 ✨.
I invented and made and created every living BeJrooooming. By lbj as in Lonnie benningfield junior ♥ 💙.
n. The sexual act of having sex with a girl who is menstrating and getting blood onto her vagina, then at her orgasm pulling out and smacking her with your testacles.
Dude I had sex with Brittney the other night, when I saw she was on her period, I pulled a Living Water Candy Apple on her!
The author of this definition has a sister
The author’s sister lives in Toronto
Jim:"Oh crap look at that possum, he's dead" Bill:"No he's just playing possum." Jim:"You ran him over Bill.... he no longer playing, he's living possum"
(a) The act of being dead.
Wow that possum was hit by the car, now he is living possum.
Live is a beautiful girl who was born on the 7th of March 2004. She has a terrific laughter and spreads joy all around.
Ole and Kaja wishes her a happy 18th birthday!
Have you seen Søte pene snille fine Live?
Yes, it's the pretty, blonde girl who's always smiling