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Confirming to another person that what they said will noted as having occurred. Therefore part of history and denoted within the systemic brain. Typically performed while motioning with your hand as if you push a piece of paper forward through a copy machine.

Girl to boy: so I told my boss that he was a clown
Boy: wow nice. Logged (with hand gesture)

by SoulGlooo September 18, 2021

ip logging on live chat

Something that shouldn't happen but it does

An example of ip logging on live chat
Support: How can I help you?
Me: *copypastes rickroll link*
Support: Your IP is insert ip. Your location is insert location. You have been reported.

by i eat uranium fuel rods June 5, 2023

log dew

Dew that comes from a log and is very tasty with beans on toast.

Waiter, can I have some more log dew please it is very nice?

by Meldrew Eyebrows January 14, 2018

Flogging my log

Having a wank. More commonly used in Australia

I'm flogging my log at that hot chick that was at the bar

by cammz11 June 10, 2012


The act of clenching a turd back into your anus cavity when needing to go poop.

I really didn’t want to go logging today, but instead I shit my pants.

by Loggingking September 5, 2023


The act of cutting your log in half with a heavy stream of urine after taking a poo and before wiping.

Man#1: Dude, you were in the bathroom for a minute. You ok?

Man#2: Yeah, I'm, I was just logging a couple of turds.

by Huge hammer69 April 17, 2024

Log Splitter

While banging a chick , stick your thumb up her ass , she then takes a shit and your thumb splits her poo logs

Yoooo , chaboi about to give this broad the Log Splitter tonight

by Wex tonerich March 4, 2018