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Yeehaw machine

A pickup truck. Usually a larger model such as a ford F150

Person 1: *forgets the name of a truck and calls it a yeehaw machine

Person 2: *dies laughing*

by Mars87 February 18, 2023

mosquito machine gun

getting humped in the arm by a man with a tiny dick

Who was that handsome fella mosquito machine gunning you?

Oh, that's my boyfriend, you should meet him.

by casserole surprise November 5, 2014

Popcorn machine

Used in reference to jumping high after getting faked out in a basketball game.

Damn, I had no idea Pete could jump that high! That head fake really put him in the popcorn machine.

by johnarmorbingham March 15, 2024

popcorn machine

A term that can be used to describe a very toxic internet thread.

People associate popcorn with watching movies. Movies are known for being entertaining. A toxic internet thread is known for, again, being very toxic. So toxic, that reading it is like watching a movie, because both are entertaining. Just like what you do while watching a movie, you read a toxic thread, with popcorn. Popcorn comes from either a microwave, or a popcorn machine. Hence, the Popcorn Machine slang.

(Tip: Stay away from them.)

1st person: I really like the song "Minorities in my water park"! Let's read the comments.
2nd person: Don't! It's like a popcorn machine.
1st person: Dunno what you mean by that.
1st person: {reads comments} Yeah, you're right.
2nd person: Told 'ya!

by cdcdncid July 30, 2019

Goose Machine

Male or Female person who sleeps around.

Your just a Goose machine ! , you know what i mean !!, Ramit !!! Ramit !!!! (generaly followed by a hi five)

by DavidCarr November 25, 2009

The candy machine

The candy machine was a device used for masturbation in ancient times and was presented by a kid named Elias on youtube, he was the creator of this masturbation device that yanked your balls and tickled the groin. Elias went on to die from internal groin bleeding....

"I just bought a brand new version of The candy machine!"
"That's fucking awesome, just remember to oil up so it doesn't rip the testies"

by jepeliusmilo December 18, 2024

Joint Rolling Machine

a machine for lazy stoners to roll up for you, or if you can't roll

Cam : How do i roll up?
Iza: Don't worry g, chuck it in my Joint Rolling Machine

by CameronSmithsAGayCunt December 3, 2022