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Ur brother a mother

The most dangerous phrase more deadly than “Ur mom Gay” “Ur dad lesbian” “ur granny a tranny” “ur granpap a trap” & “ur sister a mister

-Peasent “Ur sister a mister” *ground shakes and tress fall all around you
-You (an intellectual)

“Ur brother a mother!!!” the peasent flies away from shock and fies in the air, the ground turns to lava and he enitre universe dies... al that remains is you, ready to make your own universe... one where you are the god

by The tru and new all powerfull March 16, 2018

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Ur Brother a Mother

A term so powerful and insulting God himself can not comeback from it

Chris: Ur mom gay. Ur dad lesbian. Ur granny tranny.
Rich: Ur pappy trappy
Chris: Ur sister a mister
Rich: Ur brother a mother

*A black hole forms inside Chris and than destroys the galaxy.

by Gdizzle rap boi March 17, 2018

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Nay, Mother Fucker

When a friend says something you really disagree with, you would say it.

Bob: I think your sister is totally hot~
Jimmy: Nay, Mother Fucker! She makes me want to puke!

by SuckMyPuddin January 2, 2011

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dedicated mother fucker

One who is a company man. Works through breaks and lunches to please the boss. Never gives up on ass kissing.

Wilmer Campbell is a dedicated mother fucker.

by bubba02 July 2, 2014

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Banger's by ya mother.

a crusty song made by a guy named Robert Delgado.

Jose- Did you hear that song banger's by ya mother.
Shane- Ew your dirty if you listen to that

by heydoods21 November 9, 2018

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young baby mothers

A woman that is a mother and is under 18

my cousin is a young baby mother

by L to he ii KY January 3, 2005

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Mother-Pucker Punch


When you are doing your mother-in-law doggie-style you then jam it in her ass. As she turns around puckered from pain you donkey-punch her in the mouth. Making this the MOTHER-PUCKER PUNCH.

by Mother-Pucker Punchers October 14, 2009

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