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Play Cards

A phrase to subtly request sex

Me: I’m bored, do you want to play cards

by The Rizzly Bear July 19, 2023

daddy card

When someone calls you daddy

Jess totally pulled the daddy card!

by EmoAfBVBMCRP!ATD January 28, 2017

Yellow Card

A tackle committed by Conor McArthur on 31/10/2020 which was somehow awarded as a red card. Never before has this been a red card, as it is in fact a yellow card.

"Did you see that tackle Conor made?" - Person 1
"Yeah it was a pretty good tackle wasn't it" - Person 2
"But did you know somehow they gave a red card for it??" - Person 1
"Thats crazyyyy, it was defs a yellow card if anything" - Person 2

by CorrectMan100 November 5, 2020

Yellow Card

A yellow card is a person can kill you legally on the street.

He was a yellow card on the streets.

by Zaymoneyyx August 5, 2023

Yellow Card

A yellow card is when a person can kill you legally.

He was a yellow card on the street

by Zaymoneyyx August 5, 2023

Yellow card

When someone posts the same link or image for the second time in a group chat. Basically a way to say "you're late lol"

Person A: Look at this link, Brady's retiring. link
1 hour later
Person B: Yo Tom Brady is retiring! link
Person A: Yellow card

by itsjoks January 29, 2022

secured credit card

A type of credit card that is backed by a savings account used as collateral on the credit available with the card.

"You don't have a credit history? Let me help you by applying you to a secured credit card"

by Polokid246 November 21, 2017