Source Code

Lord Lecto the second God Emperor of Dune

Control freak Emperor from the dune series written by frank herbert. He is trying to save humanity by breeding new qualities into by using a brooding program

Lord Lecto the second God Emperor of Dune, is controlling humanity through the fish speakers, a female army.. (Males kept on raping people)

by JAH14 November 8, 2012

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

New York 5-second warning

The red arrow that shows up on some New York traffic lights to let drivers and pedestrians know that vehicles aren't permitted to turn. Considered unsafe for drivers and pedestrians alike because five seconds is hardly enough time for a driver to make a complete stop.

Why can't the DOT make those red arrow signals at least fifteen seconds long?! I hate those New York 5-second warnings!

by pentozali December 27, 2011

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa

wow, are u srs? U really searched this?
Bro, just a random meme, u really though this wouldn't be in the dictionary? Well now it is so tell your DADπŸ’€ JK U DONT HAVE ONEπŸ’€πŸ’€

md: every 60 seconds a minute passes in africa
Friend: im blocking you

by ifyoureadthisurreallynoob August 11, 2022

3πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

new account βˆ™ 7.7B views βˆ™ 3 seconds ago

a goofy ahh youtube channel who uploads gigachad content and never disappoints me and his audience😎

dude 1: HEY BRO IMA WATCH SOME "new account βˆ™ 7.7B views βˆ™ 3 seconds ago"!!1111!!1111 dude 2: OMGOGMGGGGOG THATS MY FAVOURITE YTBER W

by binchillin_goofyahh August 13, 2023

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I will tear you a second cunt with my thorny cock

Used by Eegra in their valentines day comic, where Bowser handed Peach a card with this phrase, and subsequently believes it is a sweet love message. Or something. Whatever the case, it's an exclamation yelled at a loved one that expresses ones awkwardness in a social or romantic situation.

"Happy valentines day! I will tear you a second cunt with my thorny cock!"

by Kyouchou Budgie April 28, 2009

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

A guy that refills totems/aids a second after a battle begins

A guy that refills totems/aids a second after a battle begins

A guy that refills totems/aids a second after a battle begins

by moooomoooo_ November 7, 2020

you know english is my second language, right?

To get out of everything when you are a foreigner

Police: "sir, you were going 100 mph in a 20 mph zone. I need you to take you to custody"
Me: " you know english is my second language, right?"
Police: "oh you are fine then. Have a good day!"

Person 1: "Dude! Why didnt you invite me to the party you threw? I thought I was one of your closer friends!!"
Person 2: "Dude! you know english is my second language, right?"
Person 1: "Oh nevermind then! we are cool!"

by thebeastfrommiddleeast November 12, 2017

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