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Nice is a word to define something cool or that makes you pleased. You can also say that someone is nice, that would be a compliment.

*What a nice day* is a sentence to express that you're happy and that you're day is very enjoyable or pleasant.

by Animegirl34 January 23, 2023


"Nice" is the most commonly used word by teens
Teenagers use this word, when their friends/family tells them something mediocre, or when they haven't heard a word The other person said. This can often lead to an awkward situation...

Friend 1: "Hey man, my grandma just died..."

Friend 2: "Nice"

by Small_White_Quacker July 30, 2023


the word "nice" often stands for a person that is nice, that means that the person is kind, loving or just a good soul.

It can also stand for a good jobb, if you have done somthing good people can often say "nice".

You are one of the nicest persons I ever meet.

by elin lin January 2, 2023


A response to anything with 69 in it.

''oh you have 69 cobblestone''

by Maxokim2 October 19, 2019


A word that only the legendary Pourya can use. it shows interest in people and what they do, even if he actually doesn't really care.

Thats Nice!
Stop using NICE!

Pourya is Nice...if you know what i mean!

by Oxfordist Dictionary September 26, 2016


Adj. European style English word created by victim of domestic violence and now widely used by DSRs to congratulate fellow workers for an accomplishment.

E.G. Bro, I collected payment and is installing right now. Nices!

by Gaucho September 10, 2018


William Leo Innes

Will is so nice

by israel101 May 3, 2021